Passover, Pesach in Hebrew, ultimately commemorates the freedom of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

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Passover is observed for 7 days in Israel, the main event of the Passover holiday being the seder night (literally, “order”), a festive meal in which the haggadah (story of the exodus and related writings) is recited in a set order. During the entire duration of the holiday, observant Jews do not eat leavened food products (such as bread, pasta, etc.). The reason for this is that Jewish tradition states that in their haste to escape from Egypt the Jewish people did not have enough time to wait for bread to rise. Instead, they ate matzah, unleavened bread.

Tel Aviv these days is swarmed by visitors from all over Israel, and the world, who arrive in the capital of freedom that is the White City to enjoy the holiday of freedom that Pesach represents.

The Norman Tel Aviv hotel is a mecca for all luxury, comfort and happiness. Our two beautiful historic buildings, one in Modernist style and on in Eclectic style architecture, offer the perfect setting for an unforgettable vacation or business trip. At The Norman, guests can enjoy the ultimate personalised boutique hotel experience and be pampered with exclusive luxury services and facilities. Among them, an infinity rooftop pool, a state of the art fitness room, a wellness area and 2 award winning restaurants, Alena and Dinings.

Our expert concierge team will gladly guide you through the nooks and crannies of the city and our professional team will make sure that all your needs, no matter how detailed are met.  Happy Passover!

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